Archive for the ‘dreams’ Tag

Reflecting on 2010

cartoonish. i like it

Random Observation/Comment #252: Writing these year-end reviews always put me in such a good mood.  It enumerates and puts meaning to my accomplishments.  It gives me a burst of motivation to complete my goals list.  It lets me reevaluate my progress and recreate a new list of things to do the next year.  It gives me at least a direction to walk in this ominous path.  Try it – it will free you.

2010 was a different year for me. Compared to last year, I had not done as much traveling or photography, but I had worked on different parts of my personality. I have become more social and tech involved with a greater focus on relationships and learning. In this past year, I visited Cozumel, Key West, Miami, Marseille in France, Cinque Terre in Italy, Florence, and Rome.  I saw her again.  I wrote a few more entries consistently involved in career advancement. I attended at least 50 after hour drinks and networking events, meeting with around 20 valuable mentors.  I became technologically synced.  I learned much more than I once knew about relationships.  I learned to cook better and ate new dishes that were purposefully tasted for the purpose of cooking it at home.  I went sky diving and had the most amazing feeling of euphoria. I helped Komtra get their produced CD recognized and put online.  I helped design and write Ryan’s comic book.  I got into rockclimbing and bought shoes for it. I took the CFA with a certain level (haha) of studying and commitment.  I learned a bit of French and improved on my Japanese. I took pictures for 10 iClick photography events that became published on internal sites.  I made a second home.

This year was really more about career and girls.  Although every year is usually about girls, this one was a little more in depth with the drama portion and finding one that would actually fit into my bigger plan.  Everything seemed ridiculously complicated, but it was probably much easier than I made it.  There were a lot of great memories and a lot of inside jokes that never faded.  My eyes were opened into much more independence and it let me glimpse into a world where my parents were free of the burden of guiding me through everything. I hope they know my decision was made to help them use their time more creatively.

To continue with my tradition, I’ve set up new goals, aspirations, dreams, and fantasies for the next year.  Most of them are revised and redefined.


  1. Stop procrastinating – become much more productive
  2. Learn to write more in Chinese
  3. Learn to speak fluently in Japanese, Mandarin, German, and Spanish by 25.
  4. Review more restaurants
  5. Cook more complicated meals and pair with items that complement each other
  6. Finish comic book
  7. Finish writing Love with an Expiration Date eventually
  8. Add more to my bottle cap and labels collection of beers
  9. Finish my side projects list (top secret for now)
  10. Have 50 friends use my pictures as facebook profiles
  11. Travel to Machu Pichu, Hawaii, and Iceland next year
  12. Continue to collect memorable quotes from amazing nights
  13. Make a second home
  14. Stay true to the promises made
  15. Get six pack abs – for reals this time
  16. Become a better public speaker
  17. Create a reputable online identity
  18. Keep a scrapbook of all memories


  1. Get Engaged and make a plunge towards commitement
  2. Find a career with flexible hours, low stress, and high pay (maybe this should be a fantasy or at least a dream)
  3. Publish a book (autobiography, memoirs, novel, etc)
  4. Make money from photography
  5. Get an MBA
  6. Save someone’s life – change it for the better forever
  7. Beat Edmund in a game of Table Tennis
  8. Own a walk-in closet of suits (like Barney)
  9. Go restaurant reviewing with my brother – he drives the nice car and I pay for the meals
  10. Work for Google


  1. Visit all 7 continents
  2. See all 7 wonders of the world (all of them listed on Wikipedia which makes them like 50 based on different organizations)
  3. Travel to at least 50 countries (currently at 17)
  4. Make my first million by the time I’m 28
  5. Eat at almost 80% of all restaurants in The City
  6. Early retirement
  7. Make a living traveling and writing
  8. Learn to fly a plane
  9. Own a house that I’ve designed (I would build it, but I’m afraid it would fall down while I sleep)
  10. Become as influential as a professor – possibly become a professor
  11. Change the world with something
  12. Get on the Colbert Report
  13. Travel to space – weightlessness would be cool too
  14. Bar owner where all my friends would drink for free

Fantasies: (All new sorts of ridiculousness: see past few years of entries for other funny ones)

  1. Have Force powers of persuasion
  2. Host a TV show about Engineers selling out to Finance
  3. Have my own theme music wherever I go
  4. Open a mashed potatoes restaurant
  5. Live GTA video game in real life for one day without consequence
  6. Be the only one who could lie in a world that everyone tells the truth
  7. Understand women
  8. Control an alien and essentially have mind-sex with animals so I could control them with my pony-tail
  9. Speak to animals in a romantic comedy movie with Scarlet Johanson
  10. Be the Barnacle and Suit Up all the time
  11. Drive a car that transforms into a robot alien with Megan Fox being my girlfriend
  12. I got it! Slick Shoes!
  13. Wear glasses that can disguise me between my split normal and super hero life style
  14. Roam the desserts bringing a book out West. I am badass with a machete and partially blind.
  15. Win “So You Think You Can Dance” and have girls (and probably guys) swarm me
  16. Car chase driving an Aston Martin

As always, Health and Happiness, my Friends…

~See Lemons Look forward to 2011

Working Vacation’s Reflection

A Natural Painting

Random Observation/Comment #246: I thought backpacking was the way to go, but I guess I never stayed at a hotel with this view. I guess I can still hang out at hostel bars and tell them I live in a hotel…

I am torn: traveling alone in hostels or traveling with close friends in hotels?  I had always chosen the hostel route because I thought everyone has their own unique interest-factors. Not that this isn’t true – if people weren’t unique, I would need to rethink my whole view of life – however, it’s not rare to see that people I meet traveling are lost in their own ways and minimally motivated. It confuses me how they live the life they do without a backup plan.

I understand the backpacking world, as it provides a lot of support for a lost soul in a sea is lost souls. In many cases you can create a community just hanging out with lost souls. It had its run with my soul, but I may have grown out of it. I don’t feel the same stimulation as I did a year ago when I heard the same stories. If you asked me a year ago, I would tell you a deeper connection with these individuals and speak their feelings.  They would give me comfort in knowing that it is all unknown and life twists and turns as it wishes – we’re just all in for the ride and making the best choices we have within our opportunities.

Somehow this mentality has shifted. It’s liberating to give it all up, but I feel way too rooted and stable to do the outrageous. Believe me when I say that this line of thinking is against years of my values, but I think a mature part of me wants my options to narrow. I dream, yet I don’t want to always have thoughts of leaving and becoming the photographer/writer. I really want to keep it a hobby because I know if I ever took it seriously enough to make money – it would stop being fun. I think it may be the same with traveling – I don’t want it to be a lost route. I find a level of comforting knowing that life is complicated and confusing for a majority of people, yet I want to make sense of it all. Is it enough to just live in the search?

There is a balance. I think you can thrive to search without being lost. In comparison to last few years of travels, I found that the travel is to learn about life – not career. When everything is about life, it becomes less stressful than deciding and weighing what we’d do for the rest of our lives. It seems like a career is just the way you group yourself in hindsight and the way you give yourself expectations when you’re shuffling ahead.  It becomes focused on the thrill of experiencing and building options on opportunities.

I guess I am only trying to awkwardly explain a shift in mentality. No longer is it to desperately settle, but rather see things for what they are. Although I will never stop over-analyzing this world, I do want to stop living in the clouds.  I already knew from the beginning of my travels that I was too chicken-shit to give it all up and just do something for the perks, yet I had the stress of thinking of ways to foil the system. It’s not that people don’t find their niche and some amazing life, but I truly believe that my personality fits into stability and planning.  I may wish that I tried to make it as a travel writer one day, but I wouldn’t have found a whole slew of new things I see while on this separate path.  There’s no point trying to control it and think of the what-ifs.  I think the best choice is to just do it and enjoy the ride.

~See Lemons Rethink Travel

My Skydiving Experience

Jumping makes me look so asian

Random Observation/Comment #244: Everyone should go skydiving. I’m afraid of heights and I still did it. Of course, the guy just pushed me off after I was screaming like a little girl, but whatever… I made it.

First of all, if you want to go skydiving, here’s some personal advice:

  • Remind the guy to take more pictures. I only got around 20 stills and a 4 minute video, so I feel a bit shafted.  Also make sure that the guy doesn’t keep the camera looking at you and takes some aerial view of the surroundings.  I’m so bitter about the photos L.
  • Check the weather and go on a nice day. If it’s hazy or it’s too cloudy, I don’t think it’s worth it.
  • Talk to your diving buddy. Although I’m not going to not jump, it is interesting to know how many times the guy has jumped before and how long he has been doing it. Ask for interesting stories and I promise you there will be plenty.
  • When they open the door and you look down, try not to shit your pants. Not that I did, but looking down and seeing that you’re actually going to jump out is the scariest thing ever.  I wish I could have said a better catch-phrase than “Holy Shiiiiitttttt”
  • Try not to shit your pants on the canopy ride either. They will turn you in circles and it will make you feel like you want to throw up… if you’re a little girl.  I didn’t know that the turns were so abrupt and you completely face the ground – you’ll see what I mean…
  • The ground comes up to you quickly. The landing was actually really scary because I definitely thought we were going way too fast.  Not that I could do anything if I smashed into the ground at that point, but it’s just good to know.
  • If you’re a girl (or a guy, for that matter), don’t wear short shorts because landing on your ass is not a good idea. I would suggest wearing regular shorts and landing on your feet because the instructor will touch down first anyway.
  • Eat a good breakfast because if you don’t, you’ll probably puke. I jumped at 8AM, which I would suggest doing because the line gets ridiculously long afterwards.

And now to the reflection part:

This day was epic.  The clock in my living room read 12, but I had already started the day with a hearty breakfast, a nice 2.5 hour drive, and jumping out of a plane.  This adventure actually all started on Friday. Someone asked me what I wanted to do over the weekend, and I said, “I don’t have much planned – I guess I could go skydiving.”  I chuckled immediately after this comment, which I only do to indicate that I had no intended follow-through with this plan what-so-ever and I was crazy to suggest such a ridiculous thing.  After analyzing this reaction to skydiving, I asked myself, “Self, why not? What’s stopping you?”  A few factors jumped into my mind:

Is time the issue? Well, the full trip took about 2.5 hours of driving back and forth, and we spent about 3 hours doing some logistics, signing away our lives, going through some guidelines, and actually going through with all of it.  So let’s round to 6 hours on a Sunday morning, doesn’t seem like a problem – it sounds like a half-day adventure.

Is it the money? It does cost about $250 per jump with around $100 for the video and still photos.  So I forked over $350 for a 40-second free fall and 4 minute canopy ride – it’s not like I jump out of a plane every weekend…  Plus, I hear that if you go to Las Vegas, you can do a jump for under $100, so maybe that may be another route for you.

Is it signing away your life? I must admit that I was a bit nervous while initialing and signing all of their legal documentation that basically said “here is my life and you cannot sue us if anything happens.”  I was a little bit more nervous when they videotaped me – wait, we don’t use tape anymore – when they digitally recorded me reading the statement and signing away my life.  Other than that, it doesn’t help that the instructors jumping with you may have a very cruel sense of humor when telling stories amongst their friends.  If you overhear them saying something about this dude falling out of the harness and trying to flap his arms as wings, they’re most probably joking… most probably.

Is it the fear of death? If anyone knows me, they know that I take very calculated risks and I live a very careful life.  This spontaneous moment was a way to get the stick out of my ass and just do it.  I wrote the skydiving thing on my bucket list.  Honestly, when was I going to start crossing this stuff off – when they diagnose an incurable disease that leaves me 6 months to live?  it’s just something I had to do to get the ball rolling again.  I needed something to make up for my lack of traveling, and I wanted a boost of inspiration.  The lists of goals are supposed to be realistic, so I might as well make some effort to do these things for myself.  So much time is spent doing work for others that I might as well treat myself to a purely selfish thrill.

Are you just chicken-shit? I am afraid of heights.  I get nervous, my knees turn to jello, and my heart races when I look down the center of the stairway on my way up to a three-story walk-up in Lower East Side.  Yet, with this fear, it has driven me to hike up over a dozen mountains and jump out of an airplane.  Fears like these are not supposed to restrict your options – I’m not going to be a bubble boy.  Fears should motivate you to try and conquer them.  To be honest, I am still afraid of heights after everything I’ve done.  However, it’s when I am out of my comfort zone and I just let go of my idea of control in this life that I feel free.

As I crossed this off of my to-do list, I felt satisfied, but oddly disappointed that I did it in such a short amount of time.  It basically took no skill to accomplish, and yet, I made it such a big deal.  Reviewing a lot of my goals, I found that much of them are generic and seemingly just “cool” to do.  Although I firmly believe that life is about the story, I also believe that we need to earn our privileges.  With this in mind, I will rewrite my list of goals and add a bit more involvement and dedication for future endeavors.  Well… I’m probably still going to do some cool stuff.

~See Lemons Skydive

My Mid-year Review: Needs Improvement

Waking up beauty

Random Observation/Comment #243: I spend a lot of time re-evaluating my life and making sure I can: 1) look in the past and nod approvingly at my decisions, 2) predict the future career steps so I can nod approvingly at the image of myself in the future, and 3) follow my routine to make sure it has a happy balance of productivity and enjoyment so both 1 and 2 can be maintained (with an approving nod).  I think I need a more organized schedule for these evaluations… I’ll use what I learned from work: let me write a proposal first! Hah…

Writing the list of goals, aspirations, dreams, and fantasies is more of a year-end thing.  I’m usually too busy writing about traveling during the middle of the year to worry about how the year is going to turn out.  I pretty much approached it by walking towards a general direction and hoping that my 3-steps above give enough padding to make it all work out.  It’s the “loosey-goosey,” “go with the flow,” and “live in the moment” type of mentality that I hope gives me a fulfilling life.  I probably analyze my life too much, but I only get one – so it’s probably something I should invest some time in.

This year, however, is a bit different from the past few.  I have started a “grown-up” routine and do adult things, like read newspapers and sleep on trains during commutes.  Even though I don’t seem like I do much living, I am trying my best to stuff things together and continue meeting my life goals.  Unfortunately, 9 hours at work with a total 3 hour commute drains my motivation to do more work when I get home – well, it’s more like, I feel I deserve to unwind a bit and just bombard myself with mindless media.

My to-do list grows as I think of things to do at work, while I’m outside of work and then I go home and feel the need to watch just one – or maybe two – episodes from my favorite shows.  By the time I feel refreshed, I’m only left with 2 hours before I need to sleep to start the whole routine over again.  Weekends pass way too quickly and my attention is split between friends and family.  It seems that my desire to check-off my personal list just needs a more flexible deadline.

This mid-year review is to evaluate my balance and my accomplishments in the first half.  I took a cruise in Mexico; started a full-time job with a great community life; joined multiple philanthropy organizations including Junior Achievements teaching 3rd graders and FIRST robotics mentoring high school kids; learned much more about relationships; saw her again; became a manager for a band; re-enhanced plans for company; re-enhanced plans for comic book; re-enhanced online profile; attended at least one networking event per week for the past 7 months; studied for the CFA; studied consulting use cases books; learned a bit of French and kept up-to-date with German; got a bit more confident with Mandarin; restarted work-out routine; wrote first half of book and planned second half; took event photography for 7 Credit Suisse events; built solid relationships with multiple mentors; and went skydiving (today).

I already knew that this year would be one for building soft skills, exploring relationships, expanding networks, and setting the foundation for expanding to different career paths, but I wish there was more “umnph.”  Actually, given these goals, I think I’ve been doing a decently good job.  However, I’m still planning an upgrade of excitement!

In order to make this year awesome, I will definitely do my best to complete the following tasks: Pass CFA, take GMATs, apply to MBA programs, help Komtra make a profit, help Komtra get a song on the radio, participate in 3 more philanthropy events, have an unforgettable time in France and Italy, Review 6 more 5 star restaurants in NYC, Revamp online persona with travel and food reviews on yelp, take more event photographs at networking events, buy new DSLR, buy new Android phone, release Android app, release first draft of comic book, get a 4-pack, and publish book.

Some of these are easy and some of these require some extra effort, but I think I would end with a satisfactory mark. (y).

~See Lemons Up the Ante

Setting Up New Goals

see lemons set light green goals

So many potential goals

Random Observation/Comment #218: Rejection is a terrible thing, but it’s definitely part of life.  Any excuses I give for my role in the situation will never be enough to ease my mind.  I’m not sure if it’s the disappointment in myself for not being able to think quicker or act sooner (or later), or if it’s just self-pity and self-loathing, but it definitely sucks.  At the end of the day, it’s what you can learn from these situations, so over time I will rise from the lull and rebound.  Rejection builds character.

I wrote about a year ago about goals, aspirations, dreams, and fantasies.  I think it was about time to update this entry with my achievements in the past year.

Since last December, I’ve: finished my Master’s thesis, started a company, went on a small roadtrip to Ohio with close friends, studied abroad in Germany for 6 months, traveled all over Europe (at least 15 major cities), sledged on the Swiss Alps, cooked almost every day in Germany, collected about a hundred more beer caps, started a collection of beer labels, tried every flavor of Rittersport, uploaded about 150 albums to facebook, listened to the full Harry Potter series audiobooks, climbed 3 mountains in Germany, fell in love again, wrote about 100 entries, (almost) wrote a book, got to second round interviews to all the companies I applied to, wrote my first chapter to a comic, wrote a study guide for learning languages (key vocabulary words that are used in everyday conversations for Mandarin, German, Japanese, and Spanish), basically reorganized my life, read a book for leisure, bought my first manual camera, and started at least 5 other side projects.  I’ve been keeping busy…

To quote my previous entry:

“Many of the goals are very short term and involve completing tasks at hand to make myself feel productive for the day.  Long term goals exist as well, but they are much more reasonable and can probably be achieved in the next few years.  The aspirations are for my long term career outlooks and accomplishments that occur in the next decade or so.  My dreams are what I deem as possible, but will require a lifetime of hardship or a whole lot of luck to come true.   My fantasies are things that will probably never happen, but their existence makes me happy and keeps me wishing.”


  1. Stop procrastinating
  2. Narrow down primetime TV shows because they take up too much time in my life (House, The Office, Heroes, Dexter, Colbert Report, 24, Californiacation, 30 Rock).  Better yet: try not to add more to this list.
  3. Learn to write more in Chinese
  4. Learn to speak fluently in Japanese, Mandarin, German, and Spanish by 25.
  5. Get better at cooking
  6. Review more restaurants
  7. Try more wine
  8. Finish the comic book
  9. Finish the manga
  10. Finish writing book – maybe publish it or just share with close friends
  11. Go sky diving
  12. Write more poems
  13. Add more to my bottle cap and labels collection of beers
  14. Finish my side projects list (top secret for now)
  15. Take more photographs and improve with manual settings
  16. Travel to Japan and Hong Kong before I start working
  17. See Natasha again
  18. Continue to collect memorable quotes from amazing nights


  1. Get married (hopefully after the love thing)
  2. Find a career with flexible hours, low stress, and high pay (maybe this should be a fantasy or at least a dream)
  3. Live in NYC
  4. Publish a book (autobiography, memoirs, novel, etc)
  5. See the Northern Lights
  6. Make money from photography
  7. Write about drinking expensive wines
  8. Get an MBA
  9. Save someone’s life – change it for the better forever
  10. Own a dog and play in the little dog park with them – yay!
  11. Conquer my fears
  12. Go restaurant reviewing with my brother – he drives the nice car and I pay for the meals


  1. Visit all 7 continents
  2. See all 7 wonders of the world (all of them listed on Wikipedia which makes them like 50 based on different organizations)
  3. Travel to at least 50 countries (currently at 15)
  4. Make my first million by the time I’m 27
  5. Eat at almost 80% of all restaurants in The City
  6. Early retirement
  7. Make a living traveling and writing
  8. Learn to fly a plane
  9. Own a house that I’ve designed (I would build it, but I’m afraid it would fall down while I sleep)
  10. Become as influential as a professor – possibly become a professor
  11. Change the world with something
  12. Get on the Colbert Report
  13. Travel to space – weightlessness would be cool too

Fantasies: (All new sorts of ridiculousness: see last year’s entry for other funny ones)

  1. Time travel
  2. Obtain Jedi powers – most notably mind tricks
  3. Be a part of a heist without any consequence.  I don’t mind getting caught as long as I can say “I want full immunity signed by the President.”
  4. Help build Skynet, but go back in time to try and protect a younger version of myself from the governator
  5. Chainsaw a zombie in half
  6. Sleep with the only hot girl that remains after the zombie apocalypse
  7. Carve a turkey with a light saber
  8. Extend claws and have regeneration. I would also have ridiculous chops.
  9. Swing from a chandelier while having an epic sword fight
  10. Curve a bullet around Angelina Jolie
  11. Play ping pong against Christopher Walking
  12. Lift an entire aircraft carrier from a door while saving a girl
  13. Fly around the world so fast that I turn back time
  14. Play an Australian guy pretending to be a black guy pretending to be a soldier in the Vietnam war
  15. Make a play about a secret relationship that foreshadows the movie
  16. Chant “We Are Spartans” after defeating thousands of Persians on the side of a mountain
  17. Have a split personality disorder that makes me invent Brad Pitt as my alter ego. Not Tyler Durden; just Brad Pitt
  18. Run across the US and back for no reason except “I just felt like running”
  19. Attend Hogwarts for 4 years while fighting the dark lord and then become an outcast for an entire movie to defeat death eaters (which will be so much better than the last one)
  20. When I get mad (or excited), I turn green and huge
  21. Search for a treasure in an ancient temple filled with awesome traps.  Unchartered meets Tomb Raider
  22. Go to Vegas and count cards to win lots of money
  23. Be able to speak like Mickey in Snatch.  WTF does he say? I hate Pikers.
  24. Continuously be chased by the government because I’m a trained assassin trying to figure out my past
  25. Sweet Key Lime.

As always, health and continual strives towards learning is what matters most.

~See Lemons Aim, Exhale slowly, and Squeeze

Goals, Aspirations, Dreams, and Fantasies



Chichen Itza.  One down, a lot more to go.

Chichen Itza. One down, a lot more to go.

Random Observation/Comment #111: Ambition and curiosity drives me.  I’m not exactly an adrenaline junkie looking for the next extreme sport to almost die from, nor am I a millionaire thrill seeker spending all of his money experiencing crazy things; I am just a man with goals, aspirations, dreams, and fantasies.  Many of the goals are very short term and involve completing tasks at hand to make myself feel productive for the day.  Long term goals exist as well, but they are much more reasonable and can probably be achieved in the next few years.  The aspirations are for my long term career outlooks and accomplishments that occur in the next decade or so.  My dreams are what I deem as possible, but will require a lifetime of hardship or a whole lot of luck to come true.   My fantasies are things that will probably never happen, but their existence makes me happy and keeps me wishing.


During the web2.0 era a few years ago, a site was created called  It was a site to share your goals while reading about others.  I consider this site the exact opposite of, which is one of my favorites for confessions, but requires somewhat of a “twisted release through the pain of others” to read.  Anyway, I hope my list inspires others to live life the same.


  1. Finish Master’s
  2. Stop procrastinating
  3. Take care of parents
  4. Narrow down primetime TV shows because they take up too much time in my life (House, The Office, Heroes, Dexter, Colbert Report, 24, Californiacation, 30 Rock)
  5. Learn to write more in Chinese
  6. Learn to speak more fluently in Japanese, Mandarin, German, and Spanish
  7. Get better at cooking
  8. Review more restaurants
  9. Finish the comic book
  10. Finish the manga
  11. Go sky diving
  12. Write more poems
  13. Finish my bottle cap collection of beers
  14. Read more books
  15. Write the backpacking itinerary
  16. Document my backpacking through Europe
  17. Dominate Travbuddy like XDrive (
  18. Ski the alps
  19. Don’t die while skiing the alps



  1. Fall in love again
  2. Get married (hopefully after the love thing)
  3. Find a career with flexible hours, low stress, and high pay (maybe this should be a fantasy or at least a dream)
  4. Live in NYC
  5. Publish a book (autobiography, memoirs, novel, etc)
  6. See the Northern Lights
  7. Make money from photography
  8. Write about drinking expensive wines
  9. Get an MBA
  10. Start a company
  11. Go on a road-trip with my close friends
  12. Save someone’s life – change it for the better forever
  13. Own a dog and play in the little dog park with them – yay!
  14. Conquer my fears



  1. Visit all 7 continents
  2. See all 7 wonders of the world (all of them listed on Wikipedia which makes them like 50 based on different organizations)
  3. Travel to at least 50 countries
  4. Make my first million by the time I’m 27
  5. Eat at almost 80% of all restaurants in The City
  6. Early retirement
  7. Make a living traveling and writing
  8. Learn to fly a plane
  9. Write a series of motivational posters



  1. Travel to space
  2. Have an orgy in space (obviously) – girl majority, please.
  3. Time travel to change that one moment in my life…
  4. Get bitten by a spider and swing through the city fighting crime.  I would, of course, struggle with internal conflicts and the balance of a love life with a superhero secret, but this is the price I am willing to pay to shoot web out of my wrists.  “With great power comes great responsibility.”
  5. I am Tony Stark.
  6. I am Hiro Nakamura (without the whole saving the world business)
  7. Actually see the flying spaghetti monster create the universe in a drunken mess
  8. Halle Berry from Swordfish + Jessica Alba from Sin City + Me
  9. Super strength, super speed, x-ray vision, flying, and a cape
  10. I have all of Dirk Diggler’s assets 😉
  11. Jumping out of a plane at high altitude to catch up with a parachute, and put it on just in time to save my life
  12. I am an International Man of Mystery or The Secret Asian Man (I guess this is more of a fact than a fantasy)
  13. Build everything in Back to the Future – I’ve wanted that hover-board for soooo long
  14. Shove the blue pill up Morpheus’s ass and hope I don’t turn into an Agent – bad luck.
  15. Lucid dream forever (I could be now, and just thinking about that being true makes me happy)
  16. Be remembered forever for doing something really awesome or really outrageous.  Like invent the hover-board or first man to have a threesome with Jessica Alba and Halle Berry in space.
  17. World happiness (however this works out, cool beans).
  18. Do one-handed, one-finger pushups in a capsule with 100G forces for years straight as training to fight an ugly, short blue guy.  When I get angry, my hair sticks up and turns blond while a glowing aura surrounds me.  The dialogue lasts forever.
  19. Kick Yoda’s ass in a light saber fight.
  20. I am a bounty hunter who has really bad luck with collecting money, so I must resort to eating bell peppers and beef or shitake mushrooms all the time.
  21. I wear a red trench coat with blonde spiked hair and really cool round sunglasses.  I love donuts and … this was an awesome series.  Love and Peace!
  22. I can pinch your neck and kill you in an instant.  Stop making fun of my pointy ears and flawless logic.
  23. I am Jack Bauer.  So badass.
  24. When I do a pushup, I am not lifting myself up, but pushing the Earth down.  When I was born, roundhouse kick deaths increased 13,000 percent.  There would be no chin behind my beard, only another fist.  I can divide by zero.  I can count to infinity – twice.


Most importantly: Stay healthy (or else none of these really matter) and never stop learning (or else none of these really matter). 

By the way, making up this list was immensely fun and really relieved a lot of stress.

~See Lemons Start the Adventure